
Foto: Satellitenbild_coastmap/ Hereon
The future of the coast is characterised on the one hand by the consequences of climate change and on the other hand by a dramatic increase in the use of coastal space. As a consequence of climate change, nature-friendly coastal protection must be constantly expanded.
As marine ecosystems provide many vital ecosystem services that are crucial for the function of the marine environment, but also as a service to society, different approaches should be used to mitigate climate change.
For a sustainable blue planet, it is important to combine the continued use of marine ecosystem services with effective protection of marine habitat and biota. In this context, climate change is a particular challenge that needs to be taken into account.
How CoastalFutures is meeting this challenge
Project is developing innovative modeling tools to examine future use scenarios and climate change impacts.
- Develop holistic modeling methods to support management and assessment of climate change impacts and use and protection measures.
- Develop and evaluate future scenarios and conservation measures in collaboration with agencies and stakeholders.
- Transdisciplinary project with the goal of developing a common understanding of climate change impacts
CoastalFutures FACTSHEET: Now Available!
Explore our latest CoastalFutures FACTSHEET for insights into coastal management in the North and Baltic Seas. This fact sheet introduces management needs within the context of policies, presents the 'Modelling Framework for Scenario Simulations' used in the CoastalFutures project to assess climate impacts and management effects, and provides essential information and initial findings on our research areas: offshore renewable energy, fisheries, nature-friendly coastal protection, and eutrophication.
Stay informed today!
Coastal Futures Factsheet (4,3 MB)